Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A figure of speech

Monday- April 15
There are different types of figures of speech. These are called idioms. An idiom is a group of words that has a hidden meaning behind it. So for the first day of term 2 in lockdown, this is what our teachers have sent us https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/axz1rx/there_are_27_figures_of_speech_hidden_in_this/ These are 16 I found. (The saying and answers)

Pull your socks up.
Stop being sloppy 

Time flies 
time goes fast 

Don't put all your eggs in one basket
If you lose your basket with all your eggs you lose every egg you had.

Spilled the beans 
Tell someone something that should have been a secret 

Big cheese
The important person of the group 

Fish out of the water 
A person out of their comfort zone

In a nutshell 
Summarise something quicky 

Patched together
Quickly done rushed not well done. 

Keep cards close to chest 
don't let anyone know your tactics 
or intentions 

Ace up your sleeve 
Something well hidden before needed 
usually a surprise or secret advantage 

Tying the knot 
Getting or get married 

Shadow of your former self
Less healthy or happier than you/someone else 
was in the past 

Kick the bucket 
Going to die

Born with a silver spoon 
Born with a rich family.

Wears a heart on his sleeve
Can always see his emotions

Cherry on top
The best part

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Mark. I really like how you went above and beyond from what was required by explaining what each figure of speech meant in your own words. Very impressed.

    Mrs G
