Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Daily connection questions

Wednesday, April 15th

Q. What am I most passionate about?

I'm passionate about a lot of things like friends, outdoor activity, drawing and more. Since the COVID-19 lockdown, I have started to develop a real passion for cooking it started with pikelets. I know everyone thinks they can make pikelets but most pikelets are not as tasty as mine๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry I can't give you my recipe because it's... secret! last night I made Mousaka for dinner Mousaka is Greek and you use mince cooked in wine with tomatoes and then you make a delicious white sauce cheese topping and bake it in the oven tonight I'm going to make pork mince wraps. Maybe one day you guys will be eating in my world-famous chip shop๐Ÿ˜‚

Thursday, April 16th

Q.What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my friends and family and cousins. But I'm most proud of cooking. That's because I try to cook some food every day. I also try to learn some new recipes almost every day! I get to cook more food in my spare time right now because I'm not at school because of the Covid-19 lockdown, and I can make quick snacks in between my schoolwork. So, for now, that's what I'm most proud of!

Friday, April 17th

Q. If you could be any age for a week, how old would you be and why?

I would be 18 because that is the age that you can do a lot of things that I can't do right now. For example, driving cars! Or I could go to college and get a proper or part-time job. And also, when you turn 18 you become and have more responsibilities, and you need to be mature. It's like restarting your life for a second time. Being 18 would be great,  even if it was only for a week. The great thing is that in 5 years I will be 18 for 52 weeks!

Monday, April 20th

Q. What is your dream job and why?

When I'm older I would like to be a marine biologist, or a GP, or an actor. Of these, the job I would like the most is a marine biologist. If I was a marine biologist I would like to study the biggest shark known to mankind. The megalodon! I would like to find more information about them and solve lots of different things about megalodons that scientists don't know. For example, scientists do not know why megalodons became extinct.

But there are not many jobs as a marine biologist, which is why I am also interested in other jobs. If I don't become a marine biologist I would like to be a GP, which is basically a doctor who stays in a town and looks after patients. Or I would like to be an actor, who plays characters in a film. They are a vital part of a film and it would be fun to work as an actor.

So if I don't become an expert in megalodons then maybe I'll become your doctor, or maybe be watching a film one day and you will say "Hey that's Mark!"

Tuesday, April the 21fst

Q. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, or anything else, what would you want to know?

If I did come across a crystal ball I would like it was a joke. Or set up prank but if it wasn't, then I would ask it. "Will I become successful?" "where will I work after I'm done with high school? and why" and "when will I die and what of?" the reason I would ask these questions, is because these are the questions that I want answers too. I could try to change my future and try harder in my subjects.

So the reason I want to know will I become successful is because I would like to think that I am going somewhere in life. Instead of working as an MC Donalds chasier. All people want to be going somewhere in life, but some don't know that they aren't going to because they aren't thinking about it.

The second question I asked is Where will I work when I'm done with high school. This is because I want to see if I get my dream job. And I asked it why because maybe if I worked as a nurse it meant that there weren't any jobs open for a doctor when I apply or did

And the last question I would ask it is when will I die. I think a lot of people would ask this question.  but it could be two answers if you think about it. If you don't exercise and you're fat then you might die in about 3 years time. But if you're fit and not so fat then you might live for 10 years. It might say two answers to that question. The reason I asked how will I die is. Most people would like to know how I die because they probably won't know how they die and I would like to know-how.

So. This was today's daily connection question. If you ever came across a crystal ball what would you say? maybe I would steal the ball and my future job is a physic teller.

Wednesday, April 22

Q. List 5 things on your bucket list(things to do before you die)

These are the 5 things I would do before I died. 1. embarrass all my friends,  Skydive, break at least one rule.. come on everyone will choose that! Become a marine biologist and discover something that no one knows. 5. I would like to speak two languages that aren't English

The reason I want to embarrass my friends is that I love to see their reactions to when they get mad at me... it's a lot of fun but it's probably how I'm going to die ๐Ÿ˜‚

I really would love to skydive because it sounds fun and looks amazing! I would love to be one of those people that does it before I die also a great challenge because I am scared of heights so I will be stepping out of my comfort zone.

3. break one law. By now before I die I would break one law. not too bad like rob a bank like pretend I work somewhere like I work for the primister but I don't really.

number 4. discover something like a marine biologist. That would be really cool to discover a new kind of species or discover an extinct animal

and lastly... learn to speak Spanish and french my two favorite languages that would be a great achievement for me to learn that...

So. These are 5 things that I want to do before I die I hope you enjoyed it!

April 24 Friday

Q. What is your happiest memory?

My happiest memories were probably with my friend Charlie. It was really run to play and talk to. Before he had to go back to his place. There were lots of memories and I can't choose my favorite moment with him. Another happy memory was when 5 or 6 of my friends were walking around with me, and we saw a chair. They started to force people onto the chair and run them around the school on the chair. That was really funny as I watched all of my friends run away with a person screaming at the top of the chair.

Those were my two favorite moments at school. I have too many happy memories with my family so I can't choose one.

Friday, 1 April

Q. What makes your family amazing

There are lots of great things that make my family really cool. We all have our skills at least one but my family sometimes surprises me with their skills. I have learned lots of things about my parents over the past month. What makes my mum so amazing is she works hard for some money so that, there's food on the table. She also makes some great food and snacks. She also pays a lot of attention to my sister and I, so that's why my mum is so amazing (she also gets me some PlayStation cards sometimes to...)

My dad is the tech guy... or the old fashion tech guy, he can't really work with the ps4 but he knows to use photoshop and freehand (these are all graphic design apps) and he always helps me with things when my sister and I need help. With this COVID-19 lockdown, he has been helping me with some projects and showing me how to use graphic design apps. He also does lots of outdoor things with me. He takes me hiking, camping, and organizing great trips!

My sister is basically my friend. Sometimes.  She is the one who asks me to play games with her. We used to jump on the trampoline together but now she's too old. Just kidding but we don't go on the trampoline together. She also does some chores so that I don't have to do as many and make me some snacks.

So that's why I think my family is pretty marvelous. Thanks for reading

April, May 4th

Q.  If you could change 3 things in the world what would they be and why?

The three things I would change in my life would be: (1) I would stop all wars. (2) I would change to make sure all of the homeless people that live on the street got a house to live in, and a job and some food. (3) I would like to give our primary teachers a big pay rise :)

These are my reasons why we should change these things and how we can make them happen:

We should ban war because it can damage people in many ways. Someone's family member could die fighting, or be damaged for life, or get forced to move out of there town and live on streets in London or someplace. We should and we could stop all wars that happen around the earth. Here is how. We could ban all the guns around the world. Not many people would die fighting with sticks and stones!  Instead of banning guns, we could make a world treaty against war, but that wouldn't do much because someone would always break that treaty. If we did agree to a treaty it could have penalties for people who break it, like a long jail sentence.

I believe that homeless people should live in homes. They should be treated like we are treated. I think they should be able to get a job that pays and I  think they should have food and water. I think we should od this because if we were homeless we would love to have a home! we would love to have food and water. Most homeless people don't deserve to live on the streets they just don't have money. We can fix this with time and effort. We could make the richest people give enough money to the government and then they share it evenly to all the people who need it. That is called taxation.

Finally, the last thing I would change would be primary teachers getting a bigger pay rise. Primary school is the most important stage of education to pay attention to. The first two years of high school are very important but primary school is where you learn advanced maths, reading, spelling, etc. So because they have a very important task that can change children's whole lives, primary teachers should be paid a lot! Another reason I think primary teachers should get a big pay rise is that by saying this I hope that my teacher might give me better marks for this writing task! It would very easy to give our teachers a big pay rise; the government should just pay our primary teachers more. Or the teachers could go on longer strikes I think that the kids will like that!

1 comment:

  1. OH Mark, I would love to try your pikelets sometime! The Mousaka sounds delish it has been along time since I have had that dish. I think your passion for cooking sounds fantastic Mark. Well done, I love how you have shared what your passions are and how you have found a strength in cooking. Keep it up. Mrs Read
